A Fair Tax for Illinois
The legislation is in place for the people of Illinois need to say YES to Fair Tax.
The Rules to the Just Housing Amendment Passed!
A huge victory for over one million people in Cook County who will be protected by the Just Housing Amendment
As we approach the ninth school day of the teacher’s strike...
Students are suffering because we are consistently placed in over-sized classrooms, where our teachers are overworked and underpaid.
And How Are the Children?
CRS is in solidarity with the 23,000 members of the Chicago Teachers Union and the 7,000 members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73 in their efforts to improve the teaching and learning conditions of our schools.
As For Me and My House
Rev. Jason W. Coulter, Pastor of Ravenswood United Church of Christ, prepares for the CPS strike.
Just Rules for the Just Housing Amendment
We passed the Just Housing Amendment in Cook County, now your action is needed to protect the spirit of the Amendment.
Hidden Figures
In the hidden crevices of the city and deeply embedded in the shadows of Chicago's remarkable skyline, there is an unforgivable narrative.
2019 Legislative Session Recap
During the most productive session in a generation, legislators balanced the state budget and passed the largest capital program in Illinois history: legalizing adult cannabis, establishing the Reproductive Health Act, expanding gambling and legalizing sports betting. CRS is excited to share two significant victories.
Governor Pritzker signs the rates bill for the Fair Tax!
These new rates will go into effect if voters approve the constitutional amendment on the fall 2020 ballot.
Fair Tax Passes!
Way to go! Yesterday, May 27, the Illinois House passed the constitutional amendment for the Fair Tax!!! The Senate passed it on May 1 .
Victory! A Just Housing Amendment for Cook County
After immeasurable hours spent planning, preparing, and organizing around the Just Housing Amendment, our efforts culminated in one day, April 24, 2019, when a crucial vote was to be made regarding its passing into law.
Lift EVERY Voice
In 1939, sculptor Augusta Savage received a commission from the New York World’s Fair to create a piece she titled "Lift Every Voice and Sing." Viewing the statue, you cannot help but be awestruck by the incredible creativity, sheer effort, and numerous challenges Savage overcame to create this art piece. I offer for consideration that the very charge to "lift every voice and sing" is rife with those very same notions.
Governor Pritzker Signs into Law the Combating Illegal Gun Trafficking Act
Today Governor JB Pritzker signed into law the Combating Illegal Gun Trafficking Act as one of his first official acts in office! After years of tireless advocacy, the Illinois General Assembly passed SB 337 (PA 100-1178) on May 30, 2018 with bipartisan support. Many lives will be saved by this legislation.
Rally to End Money Bail
Support bail reform in Cook County! Learn more about money bail and sign a petition to support bond reform in Cook County.
Let Our People Go
Freedom is based on wealth — 90% of people detained in Cook County Jail are there pretrial, meaning they haven’t been convicted of any crimes.
Zero-Tolerance For The “Zero-Tolerance” Immigration Policy
President Donald Trump's administration has enacted an immoral immigration policy of separating parents and children at the U.S. border, and routinely denying asylum to victims of domestic abuse and gang violence.
News from the Capital
This was a good year for CRS’ platform for restoring opportunities and building a just economy for safe communities. The General Assembly passed several of our priority bills.
Combating Illegal Gun Trafficking Act
Our work to stop illegal guns from entering our communities continues in a new effort, SB 337 SA 3, the Combating Illegal Gun Trafficking Act.
Our One Job: Override Gun Dealer Licensing Veto
After years of trying to license gun dealers in Illinois, the House finally passed SB 1657.
Gubernatorial Candidate Forum
We asked the candidates about issues that are most important to our communities and align with CRS’ 2018 Platform for Renewal.