In the Masai tradition, there is an expression that speaks to the well-being, strength, and moral fiber of a community. It simply asks, "And how are the children?" It is a familiar greeting asked respectively of parents and those who may not be parents themselves. It is a collective work and responsibility to care for all of the children – together. If the children are not well, the collective village is not well. Community Renewal Society is deeply committed to the shared responsibility of caring for our children as precious members of our society. Thus, we are in solidarity with the 23,000 members of the Chicago Teachers Union and the 7,000 members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73 in their efforts to improve the teaching and learning conditions of our schools.

As a student, I experienced many milestones with my teachers by my side well beyond the scheduled hours of a traditional school day. I could only imagine the sacrifices made by these public servants to support my education. Many fought to guarantee I had access to opportunities to further my education and pursue my dreams. As a young Black woman in America, they understood the challenges and disparities I faced not only in education but in society-at-large. They were the protectors of my dreams amidst the challenges that too often threatened the self-esteem and confidence of youth and young adults. They remain the fierce counselors, mentors, coaches, and advocates in countless ways guiding the paths of emerging leaders and change-makers in our world.

Our teachers deserve higher pay, better working conditions and work schedules that will honor their humanity and celebrate their investments in our students. Our students deserve this, too.

Our students deserve to be seen with their individual needs prioritized and in classrooms where they are not lost in overcrowdedness. Providing adequate paraprofessionals including counselors, special education assistants, and other essential support to help reduce classroom sizes are positive and affirming solutions to proactively address safety and holistic wellbeing of our students. Investing in increased policing in schools over social workers, counselors, medical professionals and sanctuary protections for students and families perpetuate a model of violence – not safety. Children should come to school without the fear of being criminalized. We call on Mayor Lori Lightfoot to fulfill her campaign promises to increase investments in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) by investing in its most vital resource, teachers.

Community Renewal Society has offered to serve as a mediator for negotiations with Mayor Lightfoot, CPS and representatives of CTU and SEIU. Members of our congregations and partners in the community have joined the picket lines with our teachers, students, and their families to support contract proposals for school conditions that will affirm the children are well with safe, clean, equitable and productive learning environments. This is ultimately about the welfare of our children and we are advocating for their education and the teachers that pour into them. And How Are the Children? It is my fervent prayer that our answer will soon be, "All the children are well."

Community Renewal Society Statement of Solidarity for

Chicago Teachers Union

The mission of Community Renewal Society is to “inform and bring people of faith and congregations together, in partnership with communities, coalitions, interfaith organizations, and civic leaders, to intentionally and decisively transform society toward greater social justice at the intersection of racism and poverty.”

Our dedication to this mission demands that CRS and our members stand in solidarity with the Chicago Teachers Union and SEIU Local 73 in their worker stoppage with Chicago Public Schools.

There is no greater investment to transform society toward greater social justice than to invest in the highest quality education for our children. That cannot be accomplished without fair compensation for our Chicago Public School teachers and support staff as well as allocating the necessary wrap-around resources that so many of our children need to successfully achieve in the classroom.

That is what our teachers and support staff are negotiating for, to provide the highest quality education and resources for our children, your children.

CRS calls for Chicago Public Schools to provide the following for our Teachers and Support Staff:

  • better pay and benefits

  • fully staffed schools

  • smaller class sizes

  • justice for students and families

CRS urges all of us to be in solidarity with our teachers, support staff, organizers, parents, students, administrators, and community members, by calling Mayor Lightfoot’s office (312-744-3300), and demanding that she meet the needs of our teachers so that they can meet the needs of our children. Read the statement from Arise Chicago detailing what The Chicago Teachers Union is advocating for.


As we approach the ninth school day of the teacher’s strike...


As For Me and My House