Black Fatherhood: Preaching a Different Sermon This Father’s Day
As we approach Father's day, bracing for that horrific statistic, “70% of black children are fatherless,” I urge our religious and congregational leaders to re-speak the narrative.
Pentecost, Pain and Purpose
Pentecost is not only the longest season of the Christian liturgical calendar but one of the most prolific.
Time for a Moral Revival
In the years prior to King’s assassination, his sights began to shift towards thinking how a true Beloved Community might be realized in his present world. The pathway to this concept rested in need to escalate the concerns of civil rights, to a need for human rights. The words of his sermons and writings would begin to challenge even more, daring to make claims that poor Blacks and Poor Whites had more in common with each other, than Poor Blacks had with Rich Blacks or Poor Whites had with Rich Whites. Despite a system that systematically proved otherwise, dismantling poverty, King exclaimed, was the key to removing the systems of racism, militarism, and economic injustice on America.
Someday at Christmas
'Someday at Christmas' is one of mainstream music's first Christmas songs with an intentional social and political message.
The Cost of Doing Justice
The challenges are present, the struggle is difficult, and the risks are real, whether as a parent or as an organization.
Neighborhood Watch On Jericho Road
Two years ago, while traveling in the remote western region of Ghana, I came across one of the most traumatic experiences I’ve ever happened upon...