We Must Breathe and Support the Breath of Others

Community Renewal Society is essential to the eradication of systemic racism in the United States because we must breathe. Bigotry is eating away the very principles on which this nation was founded, and it is the responsibility of everyone who calls on the name of the Lord to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly before God (Micah 6:8). For centuries, racism, classism and sexism have permeated the very fabric of our nation. For the past four years, we have seen bigotry on steroids, both from the populace and from the national leader. Yet, the Lord is calling each person to take a stand for justice, love and mercy. For 138 years, that is exactly what Community Renewal Society has done.

Every God-fearing person who is aware of the work of CRS must take action because there is much work yet to be done. As long as certain individuals are being denied basic human rights; as long as schools are being neglected; as long as medical care for those with pre-existing conditions is being denied; as long as economic opportunities are being denied because of ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation or residence; as long as there are food deserts in Black and Brown communities, there is much work for CRS to do.

I applaud the work of CRS, but for this work to continue, your help is needed. If you are someone who is willing to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly before God, CRS needs your help. Maybe you can't march with us, and maybe you can't articulate your position on these matters, but you can still help. I invite and encourage you to support the efforts of CRS with a financial donation. You would be surprised at how much can be accomplished with your donation. So please, help us, we must breathe.

By Rev. Charles Rogers

Rev. Charles Rogers is a pastor at Greater Mt. Vernon Baptist Church.


Inhale and Exhale.


132 Calls — A Story of Love and Indifference in a Chicago Jail