Stay Ready


Devotion provided by Trinity United Church of Christ.

Luke 21:25-36

When we look at all to the devastating things that are going on in the world today, we must wonder are they signs from God. Is God trying to tell us something? Is the day of Jesus return coming soon? Should we be fearful? All questions that I don’t have the answers to. What I do know is that because we don’t know the day or the hour, we must, get ready and stay ready!  

What does it mean to be ready for the return of Christ? The coming of the Son of Man? How do we get ready? Some people focus their energies upon trying to figure out the precise timetable for his return. This exercise, however popular it may be in some quarters, is not what Jesus intended by calling us to readiness. We are to be ready for the return of Jesus by doing the work of his kingdom: caring for the needy, shepherding his followers, healing the sick, proclaiming the good news, and making disciples from all nations. Wherever we are, we can live for Christ and his mission. Readiness means faithful discipleship today and every day until Christ returns.  

Heaven and death will pass away, but the Word of the Lord will never pass away. That word that promises to never leave us or forsake us!  No matter how bad things seem, God is with us!  Let us find the silver lining in what seems like a bad situation. During this Advent season, this season that marks the birth of Christ and the anticipation of Christ’s return I urge you to get ready and stay ready!  

This scripture tells us that we should guard our hearts and not let the troubles of this world weigh us down and cause us to worry. It says that we must always be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape the things that will take place and be able to stand before God.   

Prayer: Lord, help me not be anxious about anything. Help me to pray to You, and petition to You at all times and grant me a peace that transcends all understanding! Amen. 

Thought for the Day: The anticipation of the day of Jesus’ return ought be enough to make us live right!  

Rev. Jasmin Taylor


Believing Every Word


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