GAPA Statement from Alderman Sawyer and Alderman Osterman

We are disappointed in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s comments regarding "moving on" from the GAPA ordinance. Civilian oversight of the police is long overdue and urgently needed. Chicagoans who are committed to and believe in civilian oversight of the Chicago Police Department and the important role it plays in re-establishing trust between community residents and the Police should be concerned by the Mayor's shift in position.

The community organizations from across Chicago that comprise the GAPA coalition should not be criticized for their hard work and dedication to this important effort. They worked in good faith and took the Mayor at her word that she would pass a civilian oversight ordinance in her first 100 days in office. GAPA has been stalled, not by its hard-working community leaders, but by those unwilling to give up control over police reform policy.

As co-sponsors, we remain committed to the GAPA ordinance, currently supported by 29 Aldermen, and the principles and importance of civilian oversight of CPD. We will continue to work with fellow Aldermen on this critical issue.

Roderick Sawyer Harry Osterman

Alderman, 6th Ward Alderman, 48th Ward


Carrying the Torch


Public Statement from GAPA