Provided with permission from Metropolitan AME Church.
Luke 1:26-38
The angel Gabriel told Mary that she would have a son and that she was to name him Emmanuel. His birth would be an Immaculate Conception. The baby would be the son of the most high God and become the spirit of a faith that has transcended countless generations.
As we faithfully lift our songs of praise during this season, we seek deliverance from bigotry, tyranny, and oppression. Jesus’ spirit encouraged named and un-named martyrs who sought liberation and pressed for justice. In many cases, the men’s contributions were better known. But, we are acquainted with the work of Ida B. Wells, Fannie Lou Hamer, Shirley Chisolm, and Stacey Abrams.
The parables that record Jesus’ lessons birthed determination and faith for those ancestors and continue to influence activists and followers today. We do not want to be misguided by wealth or other secular trappings that turn us against each other or lead us to ignore the homeless, the incarcerated, and suffering neighbors. This behavior has no value in Jesus’ kingdom. We must reject the stereotypes and slander that have crept into our culture. As servants for Jesus, let all of us be accountable and adhere to the message that He delivered. This is the spirit that must remain with us at Advent and in all the seasons that follow.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, rain down on us that we might be the people with whom you are pleased. In all seasons we seek your guidance. Amen.