2022 Annual Membership Assembly Award Recipients

On Thursday, October 20, 2022, Community Renewal Society held our 140th Annual Membership Assembly entitled, “Together, We Win!” Each year, our staff and board members come together to recognize partners and friends who have contributed to and inspired our work for racial and economic justice. This year, we are pleased to recognize the following honorees for their distinguished and longstanding service for equity, inclusion, and the principles of Beloved Community.   

2022 Annual Membership Assembly Award Recipients 

John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award: Given to a person who embodies the meaning of justice and faith in action, including leaders inside or outside of the church who have done incredible work with Community Renewal Society over the previous year.   

Cynthia Greenwood has consistently supported the work of the Grassroots Alliance for Police Accountability and the Empowering Communities and Public Safety Coalition. Cynthia has been instrumental in helping lead coalition conversations and community dialogue on police accountability, inclusive of GAPA and ECPS. When there is a CRS meeting or outreach, we are overjoyed to see Cindy in the space. She consistently shows up with an open heart and deep passion to learn, grow, share her gifts and experiences, and challenge the status quo. A faithful member of Southminster Presbyterian, Cindy embodies faith in action.    

Sandra Rigsbee has worked within the police accountability issue team and has also represented CRS at the Chicago Coalition for Mental Health table. She is a member of First Unitarian Church of Chicago and is deeply passionate about dismantling systems of oppression and being a force of love, justice and change. We are grateful for the ways Sandra profoundly pushes for deeper empathy and understanding of mental health causes and amplifies the intersection with race and police accountability. We are excited to celebrate Sandra’s leadership and service.

Partner Award: Presented to individuals who embody extraordinary partnership in CRS campaigns.  

Avalon Betts-Gaston has been an advocate for criminal justice reform and, through her work at the Safer Foundation, has helped to create a voter guide for judges. Avalon is a powerful force, full of energy, light and love for her people. As a member of the CRS Board of Directors, Avalon is the  chairperson of our Restoring Rights Committee and supports our Organizing and Policy Team. What is striking about Avalon is the wealth of respect she garners in diverse sectors across the city and state. To know Avalon is to admire her deeply and she is faithful in sharing invaluable resources, connecting community and coalitions and acting as a true bridge for partnerships and progress. If there was an example of cooperative work and solidarity, Avalon is it.  

Rev. Jamie Frazier has championed LGBTQIA+ issues for the Chicagoland area tirelessly for years as the leader of Lighthouse Church. Between holding the vigil for the three Black men who were slain near one of Chicago’s Gay clubs, to speaking out about the death of Elise Malary, Jamie is a visionary, raising consciousness and modeling ways faith leaders can use the pulpit to advocate for all Black lives, including members of the LGBTQIA+ communities in Chicago and beyond. 

City on the Hill Award: Goes to a church that has been at the forefront of our work, turning out to events and intentionally building power to move forward the CRS Platform for Renewal

Kenwood United Church of Christ has a rich history of organizing around social justice causes, including its Norma Jean Clinic. A landmark on Chicago’s southside, the congregation and its leadership is outspoken in the city on racial justice, equity and holding elected officials accountable. We salute the tradition and intersectional practice of faith and justice Kenwood boldly personifies. Kenwood’s Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Dr. Leroy Sanders and Associate Pastor Rev. Alice Harper Jones are well respected for their prophetic witness, truth-telling and passionate leadership throughout the national setting, Illinois conference, Chicago Metropolitan Association, and cluster levels of the United Church of Christ. We honor and celebrate this congregation’s legacy.   

Yvonne V. Delk Moral Courage Legacy Award: Given to a trailblazer, visionary, and advocate for human rights displaying integrity and courage.   

Dr. Iva E. Carruthers, Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, General Secretary and co-founder. The contributions Dr. Carruthers has offered to ministry, human rights, social justice, women in leadership, student mentorship, education and service are trailblazing and inspiring. The Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference has been a model for nurturing faith leaders, nurturing students and modeling faith in action through its symposiums, public hearings and missional work.    

Watch our annual celebration.

Congratulations to each of our 2022 Annual Membership Assembly Award  Recipients! Thank you.  


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